MugJam Agency We are all wired to take an interest in the content that is more relatable and easily consumable. Therefore, having humans in the video can instantly connect with the viewers and instills a sense of trust. Humans in videos will not only result in more views and watch time, but they also make your viewers think that you actually care. While humans come out as clear winners when it comes to videos, there is a problem… Every year 1000s of marketers and business owners miss sales goals because they’re afraid of being on camera. Being on camera can be very scary for many and for the right reasons. Putting a spotlight on yourself can be nerve-wracking, and often leads to stress… But, being on camera has tremendous benefits too. Not only people will start recognizing you and your brand, but you’ll also add credibility and honesty to your videos instantly. And your videos will always stand out and get more attention just because the...